No trip to Dublin Ireland can be complete without a trip to the Gravity Bar at Guinness Storehouse & Brewery.

The Gravity Bar tops off the tour with a pint of the black stuff on the 7th floor of the Guinness Storehouse. This is where you get to taste your Guinness Stout while looking out at a 360 degree view of all of Dublin. You also have a great view of the Wicklow Mountains.

A word of warning though, the Gravity Bar at Guinness Storehouse & Brewery gets extremely crowded. Probably the reason they are expanding and adding a second 360 view Gravity Bar on the other side of the elevators from the current bar.

There is no better place to drink a Guinness than here. Many people think the beer at the Brewery tastes better than what you can get at home. It may be fresher, but every draft of Guinness coming from a keg comes directly from the Brewery in Dublin.

To watch our exclusive VIP tour of the Guinness Brewery, click here to see more!

Unlike most travel bloggers that travel full time, we have to balance full time jobs, and elementary school age daughter. We definitely don't travel as much as we would like, but we think our situation is closer to what most travelers are in themselves.
Our family currently lives and loves the Austin, Texas area of the United States. We have lived in many states and even internationally.

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