St. Patrick’s Day Parade Dublin

This is a video I shot during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Dublin Ireland in 2019. I don’t know about you, but celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin Ireland is a bucket list item for us. We had a great time, but the crowds were simply unbelievable. Unless you got there very early, the chances of you getting a front row spot are slim to none. Be prepared to put the kids on your shoulders or to mainly view it from your phone raised up in the air because you will not get up and close to the parade otherwise.

Now you can reserve Grandstand seating along the parade route at this site:… however it will cost about €70.00 per seat. We had a large group with us, so this was simply not feasible or else I would have done it. Bathrooms are also an issue along the parade route.

The bigger bucket list item for me would have been to party all night long in Dublin after the parade, but that was simply not in the cards as our 8 year old daughter was with us. She had a great time and loved the parade! Getting out once the parade is over is much easier than getting in. We had no problems. at all.

It was very sad to see this shut down in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Let’s hope that is the last time it will ever happen.

If you are lucky enough to see this parade in Dublin make sure you stop by and see Dublin’s #1 tourist attraction, the Guinness Brewery!

Unlike most travel bloggers that travel full time, we have to balance full time jobs, and elementary school age daughter. We definitely don't travel as much as we would like, but we think our situation is closer to what most travelers are in themselves.
Our family currently lives and loves the Austin, Texas area of the United States. We have lived in many states and even internationally.

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